Joe Thwagi is the Pastor of UGCC, Kenya. He was born to and brought up by Christian parents. Growing up, Christian ideals were taught to him and he displayed an understanding of them upto his high school years, though he was not a Christian. Joe then began to indulge greatly in his choice sins shortly after joining the University of Nairobi where he studied Operations Management. He lived a rebellious life and hated God and the Church.

But God, in His mercy, called him from condemnation to salvation in mid-2013, as he was about to complete his Bachelor’s degree. In due time, Joe grew in his understanding of who God is and His will for him. Over the years, God has given Joe a “life internship” in public ministry. He was able to serve in various capacities with his spiritual gifts in different local churches (such as Trinity Baptist Church, Donholm, and Injili Bible Church, Kawangware) and parachurch organizations such as Africa Centre for Apologetics Research (ACFAR) as its National Coordinator in 2018/2019.

After moving with his family to Switzerland in September 2019, they joined Lausanne Free Church, Switzerland where Joe was working as a Pastoral Assistant in the year 2020. Through this rare opportunity, Joe was able to learn pastoral work in its various aspects under men who had served for many decades, particularly in faithful preaching, administraton, Biblical counselling, and prayer. Joe and his family finally returned to Kenya in January, 2021.

Joe is married to one wife, Melissa Mwita, and together they have one daughter, Olive, and one son, Luther. They live in Marurui, Nairobi, serving God’s people around them in obedience to God’s call for them.

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