Upendo gospel Community Church


A UGCC Christmas Cantata
UGCC Kenya
What a saviour

We welcome you this Thursday at 2.00 pm to our very first Christmas Cantata. Come hear about our wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Its a FREE event!

Every Last Saturday of Every Month
UGCC Kenya
Marurui Evangelism

We have named our evangelism sessions, “Injili Outreach”. Injili is a Swahili word that comes from the Arabic word, Injeel, co-opted into Swahili, one of the national languages of Kenya. We plan to have our Injili Outreaches every last Saturday of the month together as a local church. You are welcome to join us as we proclaim in word and deed the glorious name and redeeming work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Feel free to contact us and to support this work as God leads you.

Nov 15, 2024 @6 – 9 pm
Trinity Baptist Church, Nairobi, Donhoolm
Dine And Listen
Dine And Listen

Join us on this special occation where we get to eat and fellowship together while engaging in constructive conversation with qualified shepherds.

Charges are Ksh. 500 to be paid to John Alabi on 0114 194087

Follow Link Below to Register


dec 6, 2024 @5.30 pm – 8:30 pm
Trinity Baptist Church, Nairobi, Donhoolm
Christmas Cantata
A Christmas Cantata

Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Messiah at TBC Nairobi. It’s a free event


We value your generosity

hours & address

Sundays from 9:00 am

Rungiri, Waiyaki Way, Kikuyu, Kenya


+254 714 463606
